Recognition of Quality in Community Health Services

August 28, 2024

The Community Health Quality Recognition (CHQR) badges honor recipients of the Health Center Program and look-alikes (LALs) who have demonstrated significant advancements in quality improvement across several domains, including access, quality, equity, and health information technology. These badges are conferred annually, reflecting the most recent reporting period from the Uniform Data System (UDS).

2024 Access Enhancer badge
Health centers are required to meet at least one of the following criteria: obtain a minimum of one HCQL or NQL badge, demonstrate a 15% improvement in one or more Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) over consecutive reporting years, or achieve a 5% increase in total patients served during consecutive reporting years, including those receiving mental health, substance use disorder, vision, dental, or enabling services.

2024 Health Disparities Reducer badge
Health centers are required to obtain the Access Enhancer badge by achieving at least one of the following criteria: a minimum 10% improvement in low birth weight, hypertension control, or uncontrolled diabetes clinical quality measures (CQMs). Additionally, they must demonstrate improvement over the two most recent consecutive reporting years for at least one racial or ethnic group and show performance that is equal to or exceeds the previous year’s CQM results at the health center level. Furthermore, they must meet specified targets for all racial or ethnic groups served in the most recent reporting year.

2024 Advancing Health Information Technology (HIT) for Quality badge
Health centers that fulfill the specified criteria include those that have implemented an electronic health record (EHR) system, provided telehealth services, shared clinical information electronically with essential healthcare providers, involved patients through health information technology, and gathered data regarding patients’ social risk factors.
